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Scholarly Publishing: Resources

Resources to Learn More About Scholarly Publishing


Open Access

The University of California Berkeley Library defines Open Access (OA) literature as "free, digital, and available to anyone online." The possibilities and implications of OA publishing are wide-ranging, exciting, and at times controversial. 



Author Rights / Managing Copyright

Peer Review

Public Access to Research and Data

New Models of Publishing

Journal costs

Measuring Research Impact


  • Johns Hopkins' Scholarly Metrics page.
  • altmetrics: an expanded view of scholarly impact, taking into account social media and the web.
  • Eigenfactor: a rating of the importance of a scientific journal. In a manner similar to Google's PageRank algorithm, journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly-ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly-ranked journals.
  • West, Jevin et al. The Eigenfactor Metrics: A Network Approach to Assessing Scholarly JournalsCollege & Research Libraries 71 no. 3, (May 2010) p. 236-44.
  • H-index: an impact factor of individual scientists, rather than journals. Developed by J.E. Hirsch from University of California San Diego. Read Hirsch's article: An index to quantify an individual's scientific research outputPNAS 102 no. 46 (Nov. 2005).
  • SCImago Journal Rank: an open access journal metric which is based on journals indexed in Elsevier's Scopus and uses an algorithm similar to Google's PageRank.