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Scholarly Publishing: Author Rights

Author Addenda

An addendum is intended as a convenient way to seek the kinds of rights most academic authors would value.  Here are some examples:

Publisher Policies

Publisher policies and agreements vary considerably. The SHERPA/RoMEOdatabase offers a summary of publisher copyright policies & self-archiving.

While some publishers will not accept an addendum outright, they might respond by sending back a second, more author friendly publishing contract.

Publisher policies change over time, and the terms stated on their web sites often vary from the terms of their actual agreements, so it is important to read the agreement itself.

Examples of Publisher Copyright/Publication Agreements:

What Are Your Rights?

Before publishing, it is important to understand your rights..   As the author of a work, you are the exclusive copyright holder unless or until you transfer your rights.

Copyright grants you the exclusive rights to...

  • To reproduce the work in copies (e.g., through photocopying)
  • To distribute copies of the work
  • To prepare transitional or other derivative works
  • To perform or display the work publicly
  • To authorize others to exercise any of these rights
  • To reuse your work in teaching, future publications, and in all scholarly and professional activities.
  • To post your work on the web page (sometimes referred to as “self-archiving”), in a discipline archive (such as PubMed Central or arXiv), or in an institutional repository.  (Note:  CGI does not currently have an institutional repository.)

Know your rights under Fair Use, the TEACH Act, "public domain," and permissions to use copyrighted work. Copyright protection exists from the time the work is created in a fixed, tangible form of expression. However, registering a work for copyright affords the owner additional legal rights. You can register a work through the Copyright Clearance Center or directly with the U.S. Copyright Office.

The author of the original works owns the copyright unless the work was for hire and then the employer owns the copyright. 

What's the Big Deal?

Often publishers create significant barriers for authors who want to reuse their work, or allow others to use it. Negotiating changes to these standard agreements can help authors avoid unfortunate barriers to reuse and sharing.

Some research funders request or require that work created with their funds be made available openly on the web (example: the NIH requires grant receivers to deposit articles into PubMed Central, see UI Division of Sponsored Programs' NIH Public Access Policy web page, or UI Libraries LibGuide on the NIH Public Access Policy for details). Funder policies can be reviewed in the University of Nottingham’s SHERPA/JULIET web site. Other institutions also have open access policies or mandates.

The CGI vision is to improve the way the world experiences healthcare. Making research and scholarship available to others supports this vision and helps you, as a Doctor of Behavioral Health, to contribute to the generalizable knowledge in our field.

How to Retain Your Rights

Check the SHERPA/RoMEO web site to view the self-archiving and copyright policies of your publisher.

Publisher policies and agreements are usually linked from the author information or article submission section of a journal’s website.

If the policy for the publisher you want to use isn’t listed in the SHERPAdatabase, or isn’t what you desire, you can retain rights by specifying to the publisher of your article which rights you would like to keep.

Use a Creative Commons license in place of the license provided by the publisher.

Our CGI vision:  improve the way the world experiences healthcare.