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AZHIN 2024

AZHIN Resources

AZHIN's Electronic Resources Offerings

Membership in AZHIN offers access to many databases, journals, eBooks via our consortia purchases. 

In addition, we offer technology resources and additional benefits to our members. Below is a sample list of our resources. 

Explore AZHIN resources more in depth by visiting our AZHIN Resources pages


Ebsco Products

  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text- mobile
  • Ebsco Medline
  • OpenAthens

McGraw-Hill Medical Products

  • AccessPediatrics

Ovid Products

  • Ovid Medline
  • Ovid Nursing 1
  • Ovid LWW Total Access
  • New England Journal of Medicine
  • NEJM- Evidence

Springshare Products

  • LibGuides

Book Collections

  • eBook Clinical Collection (EBSCOhost)

AZHIN Technology Resources 

AZHIN offers technologies that provide seamless access to our resources.  These include: 

Athens Single Sign-on: Only one username and password for all AZHIN resources. Used by member institutions who do not provide institutionally-based IP access or for users who need off-site access. 

Link Resolver: Provides the ability to seamlessly link from citations in a database to the full text of a journal article.

Springshare LibGuides CMS:  AZHIN subscribes to LibGuides CMS and utilizes this platform as its website due to its flexibility and ease of use. AZHIN member LibGuide sites are locally customizable, allowing for institutional branding. These sites enable the seamless addition of AZHIN links, library information, and external resources purchased outside the AZHIN consortium.

Additional Benefits

  • Professional Development: Stay current on the latest in library trends, technology and services. 
  • Networking: Connect with one of AZHIN's most valuable professional resources - your peer AZHIN members!
  • Annual Meetings: Our annual meetings offer an exciting array of opportunities continuing education, professional development, and networking.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Develop leadership experience by joining or leading AZHIN's governing.