The National Library of Medicine has prepared a comprehensive guide that explains statistical resources available and identifies key resources.
A good place to start is with the US Government, which collects a large amount of health data. Agency websites serve as portals to finding health statistics on all kinds of topics, so they make a great starting place in your search for statistical information.
The CDC is a part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and is the primary federal agency for public health.
Data and Statistics: This is the starting point for health statistics from the CDC. Browse by topic, view publications, and links to interactive tools, surveys and more.
Health Data Interactive: Customizable tables for national health statistics covering topics in health status, health care, conditions, insurance, mortality, life expectancy, birth, pregnancy, risk factors and disease prevention.
CDC Wonder: A portal to several CDC databases concerning health-related topics for public health information and numerical data sets such as AIDS/STDs, risk behaviors (the Behavioral Risk Surveillance System), mortality and natality statistics.
The NCHS is the nation's principal health statistics agency. It is a unit of the CDC. The NCHS homepage is also a central point for health statistics browseable by topic, links to surveys, publications, and other online tools.
DHHS is the umbrella agency under which most national health data and statistics programs operate. Topical access to health and human services related data from NHHS, other federal agencies, states and local governments.
Sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, this organization is a portal of health services research resources that provide numerous links to data, funding announcements, reports, podcasts, discussion groups, and more.
The World Health Organization is an agency of the United Nations and is an international coordinating agency for public health.
Data and Statistics: Major WHO databases include the Global Health Observatory(national statistics for health indicators), WHO Global Infobase Online (chronic diseases and risk factors), and the Global Health Atlas. Data is also accessible by topical categories.