Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)
Best place to start for US cancer statistics.
In-depth and comprehensive statistics on all cancers diagnosed in residents included in the SEER Program. Cancer stat fact sheets, state profiles, SEER Cancer Statistics Review (CSR), a report of the most recent cancer incidence, mortality, survival, prevalence, and lifetime risk statistics.
American Cancer Society
Reports are available online from 2000-present. The American Cancer Society tracks cancer occurrence, including the number of deaths, cases, and how long people survive after diagnosis. ACS also tracks data regarding behaviors that influence the risk of developing cancer and the use of screening tests.
Cancer Statistics for 1997-2007 (American Cancer Society)
Large PDF file
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Cancer FastStats
This fact sheet lists statistics on morbidity, health care use, mortality, and links to more data.
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control - Cancer Data and Statistics
Includes links to online tools, statistics by demographic or cancer type, links to other relevant resources, and featured publications.
United States Cancer Statistics
A web report with official federal statistics on incidence and mortality from 1999-2005. Includes graphs, tables, and state data.
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - Cancer
This CDC center provides an overview of cancer control and prevention and screening activities.
National Program of Cancer Registries
Includes information on data release activities. Links to United States Cancer Statistics in CDC Wonder and the County Cancer Incidence Dataset.
Michigan Cancer Consortium
Cancer Data
Links to statistical reports and publications, including The Cancer Burden in Michigan: Selected Statistics 1990-2007.
National Cancer Institute (National Institutes of Health)
Cancer Statistics Home Page
Portal to statistical resources from the National Cancer Institute.
Cancer Trends Progress Report
Summarizes progress in the U.S. against cancer in relation to Healthy People 2010 targets set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services. The report includes key measures of progress along the cancer control continuum and uses national trend data to illustrate where advancements have been made.
NCI Annual Factbook
From the Office of Budget and Finance, a summary report of NCI fiscal year budgets. Also includes information on cancer statistics and historical trends.
State Cancer Profiles
Create charts, graphs and maps for the nation, state, and counties.
Surveillance Research: where can I find cancer incidence statistics?
A list of reports and research tools to help you find cancer incidence statistics.