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Research & QI Center

Research & QI Center

Get Your Ethical & Legal Bearings

 HonorHealth Residents, Fellows, and Researchers:

  1. CITI human subjects protections training is required for residents & fellows before they start their programs.  All other researchers must complete CITI training before starting research.
  2. Register your CITI account (see the first two documents in the CITI columm below) and complete the required 3 courses as described. 

Questions about the documents or courses? Contact Catherine Wagner, Manager, ResQIPS/CME or Debra Schneider, Manager, Library Services.

We look forward to working with you! We librarians are ready to help with your research needs.  Browse the library site and find out more about our services & resources.

Your required human protections courses

For registering your research protocol

CITI Human Subject Protections (PPT)

CITI Account Registration (see top right corner of the screen that opens)

Adding HonorHealth to your CITI program affiliations

How to add / update training & credentials to your user profile

Requirements to Obtain Access to IDEATE

Basic Training Manual

Initial Submission Training Manual

Protocol synopsis for research projects involving human subjects


Human Subject Regulations - Decision Charts 2018 (US Office for Human Research Protections)

Medical Ethics Articles (New England Journal of Medicine)

The Office of Research Integrity - ORI - (US Department of Health & Human Services)

Index of (In)Famous Research and High Profile Cases - (Citizens for Responsible Care and Research)