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HonorHealth Libraries Test Area: longcovid test

testing ground, learn, improve

 Patient Management

 Patient Education  Diagnosis  Placeholder  Placeholder

Long COVID: What is it?

  • The body of information about "Long COVID," (also called "post-COVID syndrome," or "Long-haul COVID") is growing rapidly, as the CDC has noted.
  • It is estimated that 10% to 15% of COVID-19 survivors experience persistent symptoms.
  • Patients, support groups, and researchers are gathering the stories of persons with the symptoms we associate with the long-term effects of SARS.  While important, anecdotal information is less valuable to patient care than objective data-gathering.
  • Currently patient management is symptomatic, as we await evidence-based guidelines.
  • HonorHealth librarians have created an extensive resource collection for COVID-19, including a special tab for long-covid articles.
  • We expect the information here will change frequently. 

