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HonorHealth Libraries Test Area: Nursing Preceptor

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Nurse Preceptor

What is a Preceptor?

A preceptor is “An experienced individual to teach, guide, and assist another who is learning a role. The preceptor relationship often has a specific time limitation, and specific responsibilities of the preceptor and preceptee are clearly outlined.”

Nursing Preceptor - Toolkits and Tips

Tips for new nurse preceptors (23:40)


Nurse Preceptor Academy Tool Kit
One Minute Preceptor - Nursing Education Network
The One-Minute Preceptor: A Five-Step Tool to Improve Clinical Teaching Skill
Becoming An Awesome Nursing Preceptor
SNAPPS: A Six-Step Learner-Centered Approach to Clinical Education


Nursing Preceptor - Assessment/Evaluation/Feedback

Nurse Preceptor - Learning\Learning Styles

Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection (18:14)


VARK Questionnaire
The Murky Waters of Generational Learning Preferences

HonorHealth Preceptors - Internal Only