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HonorHealth Libraries DEI: Women & Health Care

Women & Health Care - Advocacy

Closing the women’s health gap: A $1 trillion opportunity to improve lives and economies (January 2024) (McKinsey Health Institute)  Download the report and suppporting research.

Women & Health Care - Identifying Barriers & Biases

How can gender equity be addressed through health systems? Policy Brief. (World Health Organization; 2009)  


Women & Health Care - Practices to Promote Equity

Transforming primary health care for women - Part 1: A framework for addressing gaps and barriers.  The Commonwealth Fund. 16-JUL-2020
Transforming primary health care for women - Part 2: The path forward.  The Commonwealth Fund.  16-JUL-2020
National Women's Health Network - Advocating for Women's Health
WISEWOMAN ( Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation) - provides low-income, under-insured or uninsured women with chronic disease risk factor screening, lifestyle intervention, and referral services in an effort to prevent cardiovascular disease. (CDC)
How to address gender inequality in health care (Q&A with Maya Dusenbery, 2018)


Women & Health Care - Tools & Toolkits

Find Your Health: SWHR's Healthy habits for women (Society for Women's Health Research. 2019)

Women & Health Care - More Multimedia

Gender Bias Creates a Culture of Disbelief for Female Patients (TEDxPortsmouth; 13:26)

Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women (15:20)