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HonorHealth Libraries DEI: Social Determinants of Health

SDOH - Family Medicine Grand Rounds & QI Projects

Dr Javier Zayas-Bazan, MD and the family residency program piloted HonorHealth’s initial efforts to screen for food insecurity in a 2017-18 program at Heuser Family Medicine Center; the project gained national attention and CMS recognition:

Utilization of Community Resources to Address Food Insecurity in an FQHC 

Development of a Program to Address Food Insecurity at an FQHC 

SDOH - Points of Departure

Social Inequalities in Health (3:02)

The Unmet Health Care Needs of Indigenous People Incarcerated in Tribal Jails (JAMA Viewpoint 12-JUN-2024)
EthnoMed: Information about cultural beliefs, medical issues, and other topics related to the health care of immigrants to the US, many of whom are refugees.
                            Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health: Connecting the Dots (American Association of Medical Colleges. 8 min)
The Social Determinants of Death (blog)
Health disparities are a symptom of broader social and economic inequities (article)
Intersection of Bias, Structural Racism, and Social Determinants with Health Care Inequities

Food insecurity: A physician's first-hand experience and impact on practice (2:00)

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