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New Students: Finding Articles

How can I get good results when I search?


What databases do you have?

The CORE Library contains several databases, which together, result in full-text access to over 2,000 journals and way too many articles to count.  In addition to full-text access, the CORE Library contains indexing for thousands of additional journals.

The search box, available on the front page of the library's website and on many subpages, offers a Google-style search that can search all of the databases at once.  You can also search individual databases if you know that one particular database is likely to yield what you are looking for.

Field Database Description
Medical Literacy


CINAHL Complete provides broad content coverage of over 50 medical specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health, and more.  Articles go back to 1937.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy. They investigate the effects of interventions for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. They also assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test for a given condition in a specific patient group and setting.  Each review addresses a clearly formulated question, and then searches for and collates all the existing primary research on the topic.  The research is then assessed to establish whether there is conclusive evidence about a specific treatment.
Cochrane Clinical Answers

Cochrane Clinical Answers are the  digestible, easy-to-use versions of the Systematic Reviews.   They  provide clinicians with short answers to clinical questions at the point of care.The website allows browsing by disease categories and keyword searching. Each CCA contains a clinical question, a short answer, and links to relevant Cochrane systematic reviews.  Comparable to DynaMed or UptoDate.

MEDLINE National Library of Medicine's citation database.  Contains over 22 million references to articles currently published.  It is a subset of PubMed and works best when used in conjunction with the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).
PubMed Contains over 24 million references from biomedical journals, including the MEDLINE database. PubMed citations often include links to the full-text article on the publishers' Web sites or, when available, in the CORE library.  Like MEDLINE, PubMed works best when used with the MeSH. 
Psychology and Behavioral Interventions
PsycInfo An abstract database to scholarly journal articles published in all fields of psychology from around the world since the early 1800s.  It contains bibliographic citations, abstracts, cited references, and descriptive information.  Full-text linking allows for access to articles in journals and databases already subscribed to by the CORE Library.  It's the most complete resource for finding journal articles in the field of psychologoy.
PsycArticles A database filled with full-text articles published by the APA.
Entrepreneurship Health Business Elite Contains full-text content for over 600 journals detailing all aspects of health care administration and other non-clinical areas of healthcare institution management.


Ask a Librarian

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Lori Christianson
Available Hours
9:00 am - 3:00 am PT

What are 'research guides?'

Research guides are collections of resources that the CORE Library staff curates upon various topics.  Some of these topics help you to be a better researcher or writer.  Some are specific to courses in the DBH program.

To see a list of all research guides, look for the Index to All Research Guides, available on the library's home page.

Every guide on the library website has a search box that allows you to search for a specific topic.  Please be aware this only searches research guides, not the CORE Library databases.

What if the library doesn't have what I need?

Librarians are the original search engines

Although we do not have interlibrary loan, we do have a librarian who will search extensively to find what you are looking for.  Our goal is to provide you with excellent customer service, which means that if we have to tell you, "No, I can't find the specific item you are looking for ..." we will also offer you several items very similar in the hopes that they may be just as good, if not better, for your purposes.