The video below explains everything you need to know to locate the textbooks you need for your courses and how to interpret the textbook chart on the right.
If a book can be read in the CORE Library, it will be noted with the book icon. This means that there is one electronic reserve copy available that can be read for 2 hours at a time. The individual student must decide whether the limitations of a shared ebook are manageable for study purposes.
If a book will be provided via download in the online classroom, it will be noted with the download icon. This means that the book can be downloaded as a PDF in the online classroom.
Recommended texts are not listed here, but may be noted in the course syllabus or shared by instructors in the course.
Date of last update for titles of required texts: January 15, 2025
Date of last list price update: October 4, 2024. Publisher list prices are updated annually during the Fall term. Prices are for paperback editions unless otherwise indicated.
* indicates that a new edition will be published soon. Be sure to check back before you take the course to see if the current required text has been replaced with a new edition.
Course Name and Number | # of Texts | Title of Required Texts | ISBN and Current Publisher List Price ($USD) |
American Psychological Association (Ed.). (2019). Publication manual of the American psychological association (Seventh edition). American Psychological Association. Required for every course |
978-1433832161 Publisher website | VitalSource $31.99 |
1000: Foundations of the Biodyne Model | 1 |
Cummings, N. A., & Cummings, J. L. (2013). Refocused psychotherapy as the first line intervention in behavioral health. Routledge. |
978-0415893015 Publisher website | VitalSource $64.95 |
1001: Success in Doctoral Studies | 1 |
Hempel, S. (2020). Conducting your literature review. American Psychological Association. |
978-1433830921 Publisher website | VitalSource $35.00 |
1001: Success in Doctoral Studies | 2 |
Barros, L. O. (2016). The only academic phrasebook you’ll ever need: 600 examples of academic language. CreateSpace. |
$10.99 |
1100: Electronic Portfolio | 0 | No textbook is required beyond the APA Manual, 7th edition. | |
1201: Scholarly Publishing | 1 | Goodson, P. (2023). Becoming an academic writer: 50 exercises for paced, powerful, and productive writing, 3rd edition; Sage. |
978-1544356150 Publisher website | VitalSource $75.00 |
1201: Scholarly Publishing | 2 | Strunk, W.J., & White, E.B. (2017). The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition: Vol. Fourth edition. Pandora’s Box Classics. |
978-0205309023 $9.99 |
9000: Pathophysiology in Biodyne Context | 1 |
Story, L. (2024). Pathophysiology: A practical approach (Fifth edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. |
978-1284288094 Publisher website | VitalSource $109.95 |
9000: Pathophysiology in Biodyne Context |
2 |
Hilliard, M. E., Riekert, K. A., Ockene, J. K., & Pbert, L. (Eds.). (2018). The handbook of health behavior change (Fifth edition). Springer Publishing Company. Note: Although a 6th edition is available, it focuses on prevention. The 5th edition focuses on interventions. Please use the 5th edition. |
978-0826180131 Publisher website | VitalSource $105.00 |
9010: Psychopharmacology | 1 |
Preston, J., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2021). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (Ninth edition). New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Note: 9010 will switch to the Tenth edition in Fall 2025. |
978-1684035151 Publisher website | VitalSource $64.95 |
9010: Psychopharmacology | 2 | Cummings, N. A., & Cummings, J. L. (2013). Refocused psychotherapy as the first line intervention in behavioral health. Routledge. |
978-0415893015 Publisher website | VitalSource $64.95 |
9011: Neuropathophysiology | 1 |
Kolb, B. (2023). An introduction to brain and behavior (7th edition). Worth Publishers. |
9781319498566 Publisher website | VitalSource $147.99 |
9012: Population Health, Cost Offset, and ROI | 1 |
Nash, D. B. (Ed.). (2021). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness (Third edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. |
9781284166606 Publisher website | VitalSource $103.95 |
9012: Population Health, Cost Offset, and ROI | 2 |
Holtz, C. (Ed.). (2022). Global health care: Issues and policies (Fourth edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. |
9781284175691 Publisher website | VitalSource $113.95 |
9013: Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare | 1 |
Pozgar, G. D. (2024). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (Sixth edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. |
9781284261714 Publisher website | VitalSource $140.95 |
9014: Quality in Healthcare | 1 |
Ogrinc, G. S. (2022). Fundamentals of health care improvement: A guide to improving your patient’s care (Fourth edition). Joint Commission Resources ; Institute for Healthcare Improvement. |
978-1635852714 $49.00 CGI has a site license for this book which makes it available for download in the online classroom. |
9015: Business Practices for the Biodyne Entrepreneur | 1 |
Ries, E. (2011). The lean startup: How today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses (1st ed). Crown Business. |
978-0307887894 Publisher website | VitalSource $22.00 |
9015: Business Practices for the Biodyne Entrepreneur | 2 |
Harvard Business Review. (2018). The Harvard Business Review entrepreneur’s handbook: Everything you need to launch and grow your new business. Harvard Business School Pr. |
978-1633693685 Publisher website | VitalSource $29.99 paperback |
9016: Special Topics in Behavioral Health Summer 2024: Emerging Trends in Integrated Care |
1 | No textbook is required beyond the APA Manual, 7th edition. | |
9017: Solving Medical Mysteries | 1 |
Clarke, D. D. (2007). They can’t find anything wrong! 7 keys to understanding, treating & healing stress illness. Sentient Publications. |
978-1591810643 $16.95 |
9017: Solving Medical Mysteries | 2 |
Clarke, D. D., Schubiner, H., Clark-Smith, M., & Abbass, A. (2019). Psychophysiologic disorders: Trauma informed, interprofessional diagnosis and treatment. |
978-1696486866 $24.50 |
9018: Strategic Leadership | 1 | Dye, C. F. (2023). Leadership in Healthcare: Essential Values and Skills, Fourth Edition: Vol. Fourth edition. ACHE Management Series. |
978-1640553613 Publisher website | VitalSource $84.00 |
9019: Intervention Design Models | 1 |
Simons-Morton, B. G., & Lodyga, M. G. (2022). Behavior theory in public health practice and research (Second edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. |
978-1284231717 Publisher website | VitalSource $87.95 |
9020: Military Veterans and Families | 1 |
Warner, C., Weiss Roberts, L., (2018). Military and veteran mental health care: a comprehensive guide. Springer Science and Business Media. |
978-1493974368 Publisher website | VitalSource $119.99 |
9021: Women's Health | 1 |
Kendall-Tackett, K. A., & Ruglass, L. M. (Eds.). (2017). Women’s mental health across the lifespan: Challenges, vulnerabilities, and strengths (First edition). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. |
978-1138182745 Publisher website | VitalSource $54.95 |
9021: Women's Health | 2 |
Hossain, A. (2021). The pain gap: How sexism and racism in healthcare kill women. Simon & Schuster, Inc. |
978-1982177775 Publisher website | VitalSource $18.99 |
9022: Health Equity | 1 | K. Bryant Smalley, P. D. . P. ., Jacob C. Warren, P. ., & M. Isabel Fernandez, P. (2021). Health equity : A solutions-focused approach. Springer Publishing Company. |
978-0826177230 Publisher website | VitalSource $85.00 |
9024: Leading Edge Trauma Therapies | 1 |
Shapiro, F. (2012). Getting past your past: Take control of your life with self-help techniques from EMDR therapy. Rodale. |
978-1594864254 Publisher website | VitalSource $17.99 |
9024: Leading Edge Trauma Therapies | 2 |
Levine, P. (2010). In an unspoken voice: How the body releases trauma and restores goodness. North Atlantic Books. |
978-1556439438 Publisher website | VitalSource $23.95 |
9026: Trauma-Informed Care | 1 |
Van der Kolk, B. A. (2015). The Body keeps the score: Brain, mind and body in the healing of trauma. Penguin Books. |
978-0143127741 Publisher website | VitalSource $19.00 |
9026: Trauma-Informed Care | 2 |
Burke Harris, N. (2019). The deepest well: Healing the long-term effects of childhood adversity. |
978-1328502667 Publisher website | VitalSource $18.99 |
9026: Trauma-Informed Care | 3 | One assignment specifies that you select and watch a movie with a theme of psychological trauma. The list changes depending upon interests and availability of new movies. | You may need to rent the movie or use a streaming video service (Netflix, etc) to access the movie, which may be an additional cost. |
9027: Treating Substance Abuse Disorders in Integrated Settings | 1 |
Hemphill, P. (2021). Integrated Care in Addiction Treatment (1st ed.). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. |
978-0367652418 Publisher website | VitalSource $42.95
9028: Intergenerational Trauma | 1 |
Maté, G. (2022). The myth of normal: Trauma, illness and healing in a toxic culture. Avery Publishing. |
978-1785042720 Publisher website | VitalSource $16.00 |
9028: Intergenerational Trauma | 2 |
Archer, D. (2024). Transforming Complex Trauma: Reflections on Anti-Racist Psychotherapy. Duppy Konkara. |
978-1998871094 $13.99 |
9029: Integrated Care and Autism | 1 |
Giarelli, E., & Fisher, K. (Eds.). (2016). Integrated health care for people with autism spectrum disorder. Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Ltd. |
978-0398091019 $72.95 |
9030: Return on Investment in Healthcare (Healthcare Finance) | 1 | White, S. E. (2018). Principles of finance for health information and informatics professionals (Second edition). American Health Information Management Association. |
9781584265931 Publisher website | VitalSource $69.95 |
9030: Return on Investment in Healthcare (Healthcare Finance) | 2 | White, S. E. (2021). A practical approach to analyzing healthcare data (Fourth edition). American Health Information Management Association. |
978-1584267799 Publisher website | VitalSource $79.95 |
9031: Healthcare Marketing for the DBH | 1 | There is no required textbook for this course. |
9032: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy | 1 | Meacham, M. R., & Longest, B. B. (2021). Longest’s health policymaking in the United States (7th ed). Health Administration Press; Association of University Programs in Health Administration. |
978-1640552111 Publisher website | VitalSource $113.38 hardcover |
9033: Emerging Trends in Integrated Care | 1 | Cummings, N. A., & Cummings, J. L. (2013). Refocused psychotherapy as the first line intervention in behavioral health. Routledge. |
978-0415893015 Publisher website | VitalSource $64.95 |
9033: Emerging Trends in Integrated Care | 2 | Goodson, P. (2023). Becoming an academic writer: 50 exercises for paced, powerful, and productive writing, 3rd edition; Sage. |
978-1544356150 Publisher website | VitalSource $75.00 |
9034: The History of Health Insurance Through Value-Based Care | 1 | Hart, J. (2020). Value in Healthcare: What is it and How do we create it? Value in Healthcare. |
978-0578793696 $16.51 |
9034: The History of Health Insurance Through Value-Based Care | 2 | Terrell, G. E., & Bobbitt, J. D. (2020). Value-based healthcare and payment methods: Including frontline strategies for 20 clinical subspecialties. American Association for Physician Leadership. |
978-0984831012 $89.00 |
9101: Culminating Project A, Literature Review 9102: Culminating Project B, Methodology 9103: Culminating Project C, Defense |
1 |
Leavy, P. (2023). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research approaches (Second edition). The Guilford Press. |
978-1462548972 Publisher website | VitalSource $50.00 |
9901: Biodyne Model I - The Biodyne Model in Integrated Settings | 1 |
Schrijvers, G. (2017). Integrated care: Better and cheaper : with a selection of more than 100 good practices of integrated care. Sdu Uitgevers. Also used in DBH 1000 |
978-9035249370 $25.00 |
9901: Biodyne Model I - The Biodyne Model in Integrated Settings | 2 |
Serrano, N. (Ed.). (2014). The implementer’s guide to primary care behavioral health. Access Community Healthcare Center. |
No ISBN available $19.99 CGI has a site license for this book which makes it available for download in the online classroom. |
9901: Biodyne Model I -- The Biodyne Model in Integrated Settings | 3 |
Robinson, P. J., & Reiter, J. T. (2016). Behavioral consultation and primary care: A guide to integrating services. Springer. Note: This book will update to the Second edition in Spring 1 2025. |
978-3319139531 $47.81 hardcover |
9902: Biodyne Model II: Assessment and Behavioral Interventions for Chronic and Comorbid Conditions | 1 |
Hunter, C. L., Goodie, J. L., Oordt, M. S., & Dobmeyer, A. C. (2024). Integrated behavioral health in primary care: Step-by-step guidance for assessment and intervention (Third edition). American Psychological Association. |
978-1433836091 Publisher website | VitalSource $100.97 |
9902: Biodyne Model II: Assessment and Behavioral Interventions for Chronic and Comorbid Conditions | 2 |
Burg, M. A., & Oyama, O. N. (Eds.). (2016). The behavioral health specialist in primary care: Skills for integrated practice. Springer Publishing Company. |
978-0826129871 Publisher website | VitalSource $70.00 |
9902: Biodyne Model II: Assessment and Behavioral Interventions for Chronic and Comorbid Conditions | 3 |
Robinson, P. J., & Reiter, J. T. (2016). Behavioral consultation and primary care: A guide to integrating services. Springer. Also used in DBH 9901 |
978-3319139531 $79.99 |
9902: Biodyne Model II: Assessment and Behavioral Interventions for Chronic and Comorbid Conditions | 4 |
Cummings, N. A., & Cummings, J. L. (2013). Refocused psychotherapy as the first line intervention in behavioral health. Routledge. Also used in DBH 1000 |
978-0415893015 Publisher website | VitalSource $64.95 |
9903: Biodyne Model III: Assessment and Behavioral Interventions for Families and Couples | 1 |
Mendenhall, T., Lamson, A., Hodgson, J., & Baird, M. A. (Eds.). (2018). Clinical methods in medical family therapy. Springer. |
9783319688336 Publisher website | VitalSource $89.99 |
9904: Biodyne Model IV: Assessment and Behavioral Interventions for Geriatrics | 1 | Hinrichsen, G. (2019). Assessment and Treatment of Older Adults : A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association. |
9781433831102 Publisher website | VitalSource $57.99 |
9904: Biodyne Model IV: Assessment and Behavioral Interventions for Geriatrics | 2 |
Hyer, L. (2014). Psychological treatment of older adults: A holistic model. Springer Publishing Company. |
978-0826195913 Publisher website | VitalSource $75.00 |
9905: Behavioral Interventions for Chronic Pain | 1 |
Deer, T. R., Leong, M. S., Ray, A. L., & American Academy of Pain Medicine (Eds.). (2015). Treatment of chronic pain by integrative approaches: The American Academy of Pain Medicine textbook on patient management. Springer. |
978-1493918201 Publisher website | VitalSource $129.99 |
9905: Behavioral Interventions for Chronic Pain | 2 | Jianguo, C., & Rosenquist, R.W. (2018). Fundamentals of Pain Medicine. Springer. |
978-3319649207 Publisher website | VitalSource $109.99 |