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Faculty Development: ACGME Basics

Learning on Demand

Introduction to Milestones (25 min)

Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE
ACGME Vice President, Milestones Development
Learn at ACGME
Faculty ( (login or create a free account)

More:  Use and Potential Misuse of Milestones (Jnl Grad Med Educ 2021)

Common Program


The ACGME Common Progam Requirements are a basic set of standards (requirements) in training and preparing resident and fellow physicians.  These requirements set the context within clinical learning environments for development of the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to take personal responsibility for the individual care of patients.  In addition, they facilitate an environment where residents and fellows can interact with patients under the guidance and supervision of qualified faculty members who give value, context, and meaning to those interactions.



The ACGME Milestones are a set of competency-based developmental outcomes that help residents and fellows demonstrate their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and performance.  They are used for accreditation purposes and are intended to help improve educational, assessment, and accreditation processes.  The Milestones are organized into six Core Competencies, which are in turn divided into subcompetencies and levels.

ACGME Core Competencies


Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Patient Care & Procedural Skills
Systems-based Practice
Medical Knowledge
Interpersonal & Communication Skills

The rationales for ACGME Core Competencies: Exploring the ACGME Core Competencies: Seven Part Series - NEJM Knowledge+ Blog. 2016.

More ACGME Resources

  • Glossary of Terms (03-June-2024)
  • Learn at ACGME: "Learning experiences designed to enhance your [faculty] expertise and support your professional growth."


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