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Medical Library at Phoenix Children's Hospital: FAQs


Where is the library located at PCH?

The library is located in the East Building, 2nd Floor, above Occupational Health.

Who can use the library?

The library is available to all PCH employees.

What are the operating hours?

Most days, Stefanie is available for assistance Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. If you need assistance outside of regular business hours, we can arrange a time that works best with your schedule. The library is accessible 24/7 to staff via badge access. 

How can I access library resources offsite?

Many of the library’s online journals and databases are restricted to PCH IP addresses. Many resources also have mobile apps.  Off campus access is also available.  Contact the librarian.

How do I get a journal article or book that is not held at PCH?

Books or journal articles, which are not available online through a PCH resource can be requested from other libraries or sources. Full-text access is restricted to PCH employees. Interlibrary loan generally takes one to two business days but varies depending on the availability of the title locally. Please speak with the librarian if your request is urgent.

How long do books circulate?

Most books circulate for two weeks, with one renewal.

Can I eat and drink in the library?

Yes. Please be respectful of the library and clean-up after yourself.

May I make photocopies? Scan? What is the cost?

Yes. There is no charge. 

Can I bring my cellular phone and pager into the library?

Yes, but be respectful of others.

Can the library staff help me with literature searches?

The professional librarian provides assistance in using the library's resources, and guidance in selecting appropriate databases and providing advice on search methods, as well as offering group or one-on-one training sessions.

What if I have other questions?

The librarian welcomes your questions and feedback. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me by the most convenient method. Email: Phone: (602) 933-4248. 

Who are the library staff?

Stefanie Vartabedian, JD, MLIS

Medical Librarian

Profile Photo
Stefanie Vartabedian
1919 E. Thomas Rd.
East Building 2nd Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85016
602 933-4248