Academic PhraseBankprovides you with examples of some of the phraseological ‘nuts and bolts’ of writing. Organised according to the main sections of a research paper or dissertation
Writing Scientific PapersPart of a tutorial by Nature Education on English Communication for Scientists, this module contains information on structuring, drafting, and revising your scientific paper.
Writing in the Health and Social SciencesThis guide developed by the University of Toronto also contains information on a wide range of writing types. Note: To access the full-text on a topic, select either the PDF or HTML link to the right of the topic name in the table of contents.
Figures and Charts (UNC @ Chapel Hill)Describes how to use figures and tables to present complicated information in a way that is accessible and understandable to your reader.
Best Practices in Peer ReviewDescribes practices that comprise the rigorous process of peer review for scholarly writing. From the Association of American University Presses.
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access JournalsA good starting point for finding an open access journal. Be sure to check it out against Beall's list of predatory publishers, or contact your HonorHealth librarian to help evaluate the publication.
Four Scientific Journals Accept Fake Study About "Midi-Chlorians" From Star WarsTo highlight the flaws of “predatory journals”, a blogging neuroscientistwriting under the alias Neuroskeptic managed to trick multiple scientific journals into publishing a nonsensical piece of research, dotted with massive factual errors, plagiarism, and Star Wars references. Neuroskeptic wrote about his “experiment” in a blog post for Discover Magazine.
Journals Following the ICMJE Recommendations(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) Lists journals that have requested to be on their list of publications that follow the ICMJE recommendations.
Better PostersA blog with practical discussions on improving your poster
Finding a Publication & Publisher
Case Reports: Where to Publish and More!Information on Case Reports How-To's: where to publish, help with writing, how to get started. From the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library at George Washington University.
Case Reports journals table, by Katherine G. Akers, PhD.File will download. Created in 2016. Katherine G. Akers, PhD, Biomedical Research and Data Specialist, Shiffman Medical Library, Wayne State University, 320 East Canfield Street, Detroit, MI 48201. Journal of the Medical Library Association.
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access JournalsA good starting point for finding an open access journal. Be sure to check it out against Beall's list of predatory publishers, or contact your HonorHealth librarian to help evaluate the publication.
JANE: Journal / Author Name EstimatorSubmit your article to the most appropriate journal. Find relevant articles to cite in your paper. Find reviewers for a particular paper.
Journal GuideFind the best journal for your research. Search, filter, sort, and compare journals from more than 46,000 titles.
NPRC: Neuroscience Peer Review ConsortiumThe aim of NPRC is to reduce the time and effort involved in the peer review of original neuroscience research reports. Writers can choose to forward reviews down a chain.
PubMed PubReMinerNext to building efficient queries, Pubreminer can also be helpful in other areas, such as selecting a journal for your current work (by scanning the most often used journals of similar research)