What is OpenAthens?
OpenAthens is a system which controls access to many of our electronic information sources. When you log in to an OpenAthens-protected resource it checks to see if you are a member of a hospital group that has paid to use that resource. If your username and password are correct it lets you through.
What if I forgot my password?
Go to the Athens Password Reset or email us at Library@HonorHealth.com.
What resources will a HonorHealth OpenAthens account allow me to access?
EBSCO databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, GreenFILE, Teacher Reference Center and Library), New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA journals, Ovid Online, and STAT!Ref (E-books).
How do I get to the resources?
Use the login that pops up when you try to access a specific resource, or to see the range of resources to which you have access, log in on the MyAthens page.
Why was I denied access to a resource?