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Artificial Intelligence in Health Care and Medicine

AI In health care and medical scholarship

Can I trust this?

  Can You Trust the GAI You Are Using?               


Andrew Ng: AI regulation, education, and where we are headed for healthcare and beyond (32:22)

Generative Search Engines: Beware the Facade of Trustworthiness (Stanford University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence) The Characteristics of Trustworthy AI (NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 
Table of FDA-Cleared A.I.-Based Algorithms for Health Care (  

Who's in Charge?

   Who's In Charge?

   Is AI Regulated?

Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence, Executive Order (Federal Register 11-FEB-2019)
As health care AI advances rapidly, what role for regulators?(AMA; 01-MAY-2023) The Imperative for regulatory oversight of large language models (or generative AI) in healthcare (NPJ Digit Med. 2023 Jul 6;6(1):120)
Alignment With Standards (HAIP 24-MAR-2024)
Resources for Guidance and best practices for AI adoption in healthcare (HAIP Health AI Partnership) HAIP: Health AI Learning PartnershipYour trusted resource for guidance, and a community of like-minded health care leaders.  HAIP is a multi-stakeholder collaborative who seeks to empower healthcare organizations to use AI safely, effectively, and equitably.
Regu(AI)ting Health: Lessons for Navigating the Complex Code of AI and Healthcare Regulations (Future of Privacy Forum)

All pages of this Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guide provide an introduction to this evolving field for  HonorHealth employees, faculty, fellows, residents, and staff. Due to the rapid advancement of this emerging technology, information may become outdated at times.  All links, organizations, and products presented here are for informational purposes only.  This information supplements but does not supersede information from HonorHealth policies and guidelines.