Male Physicians - Are They Different? |
Our Evidence
Surgeon Sex and Long-Term Postoperative Outcomes Among Patients Undergoing Common Surgeries (JAMA SURGERY) |
Our Evidence
Differences in Cholecystectomy Outcomes and Operating Time Between Male and Female Surgeons in Sweden JAMA SURGERY)
Patient–physician gender concordance and increased mortality among female heart attack patients (Proc of the Natl Acad Sci USA) |
Comparison of Hospital Mortality and Readmission Rates for Medicare Patients Treated by Male vs Female Physicians (JAMA Int Med) |
Do female CV disease patients with female physicians fare better? (Am Coll Card) |
Do women make better doctors than men? (Harvard School of Public Health) |
Effect of physicians’ gender on communication and consultation length: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Jnl Hlth Svcs Res & Pol) |
See also: Sponsoring-Mentoring-Supporting |