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AZHIN Resources: Patient Education Resources

Arizona Health Information Network is a consortium providing health-related library resources and point of care tools across the state of Arizona.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Governmental website with information on diseases, traveling, emergency preparedness, and healthy living.

GoodRX: Drug pricing information.

Healthfinder - A to Z health topics: See which screening tests and vaccines you or a loved one need to stay healthy. Browse or search the health topics.

KidsHealth: Doctor-reviewed advice on hundreds of physical, emotional, and behavioral topics with separate sections for parents, kids, and teens.

Lab Tests Online: Understand the many clinical lab tests that are part of routine care as well as diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of conditions and diseases

Merck Manual Consumer Version: The Manual contains general medical information about thousands of diseases and symptoms in all fields of medicine.

NIH Office of Rare Disease Research: Information on rare diseases, patient advocacy groups, research and clinical trials, and genetic & rare diseases.

Orphanet: Portal for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs: Information on rare diseases, patient advocacy groups, research and clinical trials, and genetic & rare diseases.

Undiagnosed Diseases Network: Information on undiagnosed diseases and how to be evaluated for signs and symptoms of rare diseases.

How to Make Sense of a Scientific Journal: To find reliable information, it’s crucial to consult primary sources, such as research studies published in scientific journals. However, locating these articles, comprehending the studies, and interpreting the results can often be challenging. Here are some guidelines to help you understand and evaluate a health research study effectively

En Espanol


MedlinePlus Enciclopedia Médica: La Enciclopedia Ilustrada de Salud de A.D.A.M. incluye más de 4.000 artículos acerca de enfermedades, exámenes, síntomas, lesiones y procedimientos quirúrgicos. También contiene una biblioteca extensa de fotografías médicas e ilustraciones.

Sitios de Web (Médicos de Familia): Informacion sobre condiciones de la A a la Z, viviendo saludablemente, salud de las mujeres y hombres, medicamentos que no necesitan prescripción, guía del paciente listo, y padres y niños.

Informacion útiles de la FDA: Las últimas noticias sobre la seguridad de los productos médicos, biológicos y veterinarios, alimentos, vacunas, cosméticos, suplementos dietéticos y mas. Información para los padres. La salud general, guía para padres primerizos, calendario semanal del embarazo, y más.

La Oficina de Suplementos Dietéticos de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH): Esta información científica en este sitio le ayudará a tomar las mejores decisiones para su salud con respecto al uso de suplementos dietéticos.

Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC): Son los responsables a nivel nacional del desarrollo y la aplicación de la prevención y el control de enfermedades, la salud ambiental y las actividades de educación y promoción de la salud, diseñadas para mejorar la salud de las personas de EE.UU.

AHRQ en español: Todo el mundo puede beneficiarse de los hechos. Explora las opciones de tratamiento. Compare los beneficios y los riesgos. Prepárese para las citas médicas. Obtener información clara y objetiva sobre tratamientos para problemas de salud comunes.

MiBuscadorDeSalud: Vea qué pruebas de detección y vacunas necesita usted o un ser querido para mantenerse saludable. Explore o busque los temas de salud.

Los Institutos Nacionales de Salud: La principal agencia de investigación médica del país para mejorar la salud y salvar vidas.

Caregiver Resources


Administration for Community Living: Provides information for older adults and their families or caregivers on a variety of aging-related topics and government-sponsored programs. Use to locate elder care programs. Resources elder care locator guides, elder rights & resources, national and state benefits and services for seniors, long-term care insurance and caregiver support programs.

AgingCare: This online community for caregivers was developed for caregivers of parents and other older adults. Provides information on the most common health related issues, financial issues, decision-making guide for housing options, an online newsletter and caregiving blogs.

Alzheimer's Association: Information for patients, caregivers and health professionals make this the comprehensive resource on Alzheimer's disease. Message boards and chat rooms provide support and additional information sharing.

Parkinson's Disease Caregivers' Information: Find educational and medical information for Parkinson patients, their families and caregivers.

The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging: Provides information on the health and care of older adults. Includes a directory of the guide to federal government agencies and national not-for-profit organizations that address the special health care needs of older adults. Other resources available:

  • Aging in the Know offers up-to-date information on how the aging process affects health

  • Eldercare at Home offers the complete text of the second edition of this resource for families and friends who are caring for older people at home

  • The FHA Physician Referral Guide offers to mail a list of physicians sensitive to the special healthcare needs of older adults and links to search for board certified geriatricians

  • Health in Aging Stories is where patients and health care providers can share their stories on the challenge of finding and providing health care for the elderly.

The Family Caregiver Alliance: Provides information on services and support for caregivers and families of persons with chronic, disabling health conditions. Includes fact sheets in English, Spanish and Chinese on various conditions like dementia, Parkinson Disease and stroke. Provides statistics, public policy information, and reports. Includes caregiver advice and tips (also in Spanish and Chinese) and hosts online discussion groups.

This Caring Home (Weill Cornell Medical College): Designed to provide caregivers strategies that enhance the safety and well-being of their loved ones. Intentionally intended for caregivers of persons with dementia, this site is also recommended for anyone caring for someone with limited mobility.
Cleveland Clinic Definitions GuideA helpful list of words and definitions about legal and ethical decisions. This information was prepared by the Cleveland Clinic Ethics Committee.