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Patient Education: Home

... As health care providers, patients look to nurses for guidance. Use these resources to help educate and advise patients and their families to help them make the best possible decisions using all available information. American Nurses Association

Communicating With Patients

Communication skills are an important component in patient teaching. Here are some Web resources:

Effective Communication Tools for Healthcare Professionals The Health Resources and Services Administration offers a free, online course on methods to improve patient-provider communication. See their Effective Communications Tools for Healthcare Professionals for more information and to register.

Communicating with Patients: A Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians
This guide from a multidisciplinary team provides practical strategies on how to communicate with patients in today’s clinical environment.

Plain Language: A Promising Strategy for Clearly Communicating Health Information and Improving Health Literacy
The document from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides a brief summary of topics on plain language and how plain language affects adults' understanding of health information.

Immunization Resources

Slide 17. Process Mapping- Patient Education

Medication Management Therapy

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a patient-centric and comprehensive approach to improve medication use, reduce the risk of adverse events, and improve medication adherence. A new tool in the AHRQ Pharmacy Health Literacy CenterHealth Literacy Tools for Providers of Medication Therapy Management – identifies health literacy tools that can improve communication with MTM beneficiaries and other pharmacy patients. 

Clinical Information & Nursing Resources

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Billie White
Clinical Librarian/Informationist

For Patients

Self-education materials for patients.  Other languages are noted.

American Psychiatric Association: Let's Talk Facts brochures : Brochures on mental health issues and diseases. Developed for educational purposes for the general public. Provide answers to commonly asked questions on mental health issues and disorders.
 HealthhcareThis US government website uses plain language to explain current laws and regulations relating to health insurance and health care in the United States.
HealthfinderAll content is English & Spanish. Resources on a wide range of health topics selected from over 1,600 government and non-profit organizations. Includes online checkups, activity and menu planners, health calculators, and health news. All content is available in English & Spanish.
Lab Tests OnlineA public resource on clinical lab testing from the laboratory professionals who do the testing. Peer-reviewed Non-commercial Patient-centered
MedlinePlusIncludes easy-to-understand handouts and encyclopedia entries focused on diseases and conditions. Also includes information on OTC and prescription drugs, and herbal supplements.
MedlinePlus en EspanolConsumer health information. This US-government-produced website provides free medical information and is written for a non-professional audience. Also available entirely in English.
Physician Data Query (PDQ) from National Cancer InstituteComprehensive source of cancer information. Contains: PDQ Cancer Information Summaries, Editorial Boards, Levels of Evidence, NCI Drug Information Summaries; NCI Dictionaries, Cancer Genetics Services. Selected content available in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic.
PubMedEnter a topic. Limit your search to Patient Education Handouts ('Type of Article' checkbox).  Use 'Explore Topics' to browse Health and Nutrition or enter keywords in the Search FAQ box. Provides info.on Food, Nutrition and Fitness; Health by Population Group; Health Insurance; Health Services in Your Community; Prescription Drugs; and, Health Topics A-Z.