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Copy of HonorHealth Library Services Well-Being Center: Personal Well-Being

Top Box Physical Well Being


What About YOU?
The Emotional, Physical, & Mental




  Physical Health
  Mental / Emotional Health
  Stress Reduction
  Resilience & Whole Health


 = Webinar

 = Podcast 

                             =  Video 

What about YOU?

What About You?

What About You?

What About You?

Well-being Books - YOU

Your Physical Health

  7 Exercises nurses can do at work (
How to Be More Active During the Work Day (American Heart Association)

The Drive - Peter Attria MD.  Focuses on lengthening your lifespan and improving your healthspan.

  • Especially Recommended: The Drive --7-part Sleep Series: Dangers of poor sleep, Alzheimer's risk, mental health, memory consolidation, and more.

Your Resilience / Whole Health

Well-being Essentials for Learning Life-Balance (WELL-B) : (Duke University)

  1. The Science of Gratitude (52:06) 
  2. Work-Life Integration: Understanding Health Care Worker Well-being (47:58)
  3. The voice in your head isn't always kind:  Evidence-based self-compassion (54:26)
  4. Cultivating Awe and Wonder (51:21)
  Happiness Strategies (Duke University)  A great reminder list of ways to stay resilient. (Printable; 2 pages).

Your Well-being: Podcasts

  Recommended Podcasts

The Drive - Peter Attria MD.  Focuses on lengthening your lifespan and improving your healthspan.

  • Especially Recommended: The Drive --7-part Sleep Series: Dangers of poor sleep, Alzheimer's risk, mental health, memory consolidation, and more.

House Calls -- Because Conversations Can Be Healing (podcast series)

Smart People -- A variety of self-help, work-life balance, and well-being topics
Guided Mindfulness Practices (UC Davis Clinician Health and Well-Being)  Also has some videos.

Your Well-being: Webinars, Videos

    Recommended Webinars  

Well-being Essentials for Learning Life-Balance (WELL-B) : (Duke University)

  1. The Science of Gratitude (52:06) 
  2. Work-Life Integration: Understanding Health Care Worker Well-being (47:58)
  3. The voice in your head isn't always kind:  Evidence-based self-compassion (54:26)
  4. Cultivating Awe and Wonder (51:21)

Your Mental / Emotional Health

   Smart People -- A variety of self-help, work-life balance, and well-being topics
Mental Health and Community Referral Resources.  Local and national resources for both crisis and long-term mental-emotional-safety concerns.

House Calls -- Because Conversations Can Be Healing (podcast series)

Reducing Your Stress

   Guided Mindfulness Practices (UC Davis Clinician Health and Well-Being)  Also has some videos.

personal well being

Mental Health and Community Referral Resources.  Local and national resources for both crisis and long-term mental-emotional-safety concerns.

Happiness Strategies (Duke University)  A great reminder list of ways to stay resilient. (Printable; 2 pages).

Nurses!  7 Exercises nurses can do at work (

How to Be More Active During the Work Day (American Heart Association)

Well-being Benefits Fairs!  Coming soon to each campus.

  • Shea Monday April 10th
  • Osborn Tuesday April 11th
  • TPK Wednesday April 12th
  • JCL Thursday April 13th
  • Deer Valley Friday April 14th
  • Sonoran Monday April 17th

Watch for announcements at your facility.

Please come by and encourage your colleagues to check out the benefits that are here to support you! The Wellness Squad will have a table so be sure to swing by to say hi, ask questions, or get involved.  Times are 7:30-10