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AZHIN Resources: Meetings

Arizona Health Information Network is a consortium providing health-related library resources and point of care tools across the state of Arizona.

Calendar of Events

1st Quarter

Annual Members, Board of Directors Meeting, Friday, January 27, 10:00am-11:30am – (Zoom)

Election of Board and Officers of the Board

Determine goals for the year, establish work groups as needed, timelines, etc.

2nd Quarter

Board of Directors Zoom Meeting, Friday, June 9, 10am-1pm

Begin discussing resources for upcoming year and progress reports from work groups.

3rd Quarter

Board of Directors Meeting, Friday, September 8, 10am–2pm (AHSL – Tucson, Room 1151)

Continue discussing resources, clarifying and pinning down pricing as we know more about member numbers, etc for the upcoming year.

4th Quarter

Board of Directors Zoom Meeting, Friday, October 27, Tentative-1pm-4pm (Zoom)

Approval of budget and dues for upcoming year.

PLEASE NOTE:  The 2024 First Quarter Meeting/Retreat will be held in Phoenix

at the College of Medicine - Phoenix, room TBA

Friday, January 26, 10am to 3pm