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AZHIN Resources: Off-site Access

Arizona Health Information Network is a consortium providing health-related library resources and point of care tools across the state of Arizona.

Quick Links for Off-site (Athens) use

Tip: Some resources will direct you to a login page- look for the "Athens Login" link either under the login boxes or in the right hand corner.

Librarian/Administrator login

Are you an OpenAthens' Administrator?


Login here:

OpenAthens administrators

OpenAthens Account


Want seamless access to AZHIN resources from any location?  
Log into your OpenAthens Account:  MyAthens 


Don't Have an OpenAthen's Account?

Contact your organization's library.  They can help you register and activate your OpenAthen's account.

Find your organization's library contact info listed on the AZHIN Member Institution page.  

FAQs- Athens (Off-site) Access to Resources

What is off site access?

With off site access you get access to all the electronic resources available through membership in AZHIN access any time, anywhere, from any computer with an Internet connection.

What if I forget my password?

You can go to the Athens Password Reset or your librarian or AZHIN member representative can reset your password for you.  Use the Quick Search box at the top of the page to search for your institution which will take you to the administrator's contact information.

How do I get to the resources?

You can get to the resources by using the login on this page or by logging in on the MyAthens page.

Why was I denied access to a resource?

  • You may have lost your log in information by opening a new browser session. You are only authenticated in the browser session that you used to log in and opening a new browser session will require you to log in again.
  • You found the resource through Google or another search engine and tried to log in using an Athens link.  It may have failed because we do not have a subscription to the resource.
  • You have run into a simultaneous user error: Some electronic books have a limit on the number of simultaneous users.  You will generally receive a message to alert you to this.  Wait a few minutes and then try again.