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Health Care Administration
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Health Care Administration: Health Care Administration
Health Care Admin journals, data
Health Care Administration
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Magazines & Journals
Database: Health Business Elite
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These electronic journals may be accessed only with computers with HonorHealth IP addresses
Harvard Business Review (1922 - present)
Healthcare Leadership Review (2014 - present)
Inquiry: A Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing (2014 - present)
Journal of health & human services administration (06/2001 - present)
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (2008 - present)
The Milbank Quarterly (1-year embargo, 1997 - present)
Modern Healthcare (3-day delay, 1996 - present)
Nursing Administration Quarterly (1999- present)
The Source (Joint Commission, 2015 - present)
Arizona Department of Health Services, Public Health Statistics
Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Motor Vehicle Crash Facts
Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association
Arizona revised statutes from the Arizona state legislature
Arizona rural health guides & toolkits
(The University of Arizona)
Arizona rural health resource manual
Health Care Data
AHRQ Data Resources
Statistical portraits of how health care is delivered in the United States.
Bureau Of Labor Statistics Publications & Special Studies
CDC Data and Statistics
CDC WISQARS™: Injury Prevention & Control Data
CMS Data Navigator
Research, statistics, data and systems.
CMS Hospital Compare
A consumer-oriented web site that provides information on how well hospitals provide recommended care to their patients.
Kaiser Family Foundation
"Filling the need for trusted information on national health issues…"
National Hospital Discharge Survey
CDC, National Center for Health Statistics
National Vital Statistics System
CDC, National Center for Health Statistics
United Nations Data
United States Census Bureau Health Data
WHO Data : Global Health Observatory
Context: Reports, Studies, Programs, Government
ACHE (American College of Healthcare Executives) Research & Resources
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
AHRQ Hospital Guide to Reducing Medicaid Readmissions (August 2014)
America's Health Rankings
A Census of Actively Licensed Physicians in the United States, 2016
Child & Adolescent Health Data Resource Center
Office of disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Health Care Quality and Patient Safety
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Healthy People 2020
Healthy People Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
Improving America's Hospitals
The Joint Commission's Annual Report on Quality and Safety, 2013.
PENN Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics
U.S. Congressional directory: House
U.S. Congressional directory: Senate
World Factbook
HonorHealth Leader Resources
From Employee Site
HonorHealth Policies (login required)
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